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Waiting on America

Partners In Hospitality carries this must have book, great for all professionals interested in the restaurant business. Waiting on America presents a fresh and practical approach for restaurant servers to offer excellent service, enjoy work more and ultimately increase income. It contains humor, stories, ideas, solutions and is easily read. Whether you have just begun to serve, have served for many years, or are currently in management, this book will compliment any training you may have already received.


Server Benefits
Increased Income
Discover tips on giving excellent service all the time
Generate a better understanding of guests
Enhance communication skills with guests
Become more goal oriented
Develop better relationships with fellow workers
Tips on enjoying the art of serving

Manager/Owner Benefits
Generate increased revenue
Enjoy a solution-oriented server
Servers become better communicators of ideas
Servers understand the value of management/owners
Servers turn problems into opportunities
Enjoy a more committed and understanding server
A more motivated and enthusiastic server

Order Waiting on America

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1530 South State Street
Chicago, IL 60605

Your shipment should arrive within 5 business days inside continental U.S.

"Mario Ponce (Chicago, IL - USA) provides an excellent portrayal of the basic concepts and techniques for improving waiter service and income."


Mario Ponce
Cell (312) 919-0929

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